Curriculum Vitae


English and conferences before 2013 further down the page.

Magnus Andersson
Brekkelia 6E
0882 Oslo


  • Postdoktor, forskningsleder og PhD ved Norges Musikkhøgskole.
  • Hovedfag som utøvende pianist ved Norges Musikkhøgskole.
  • Hovedfag i musikkhistorie/estetikk ved Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Musikkritiker i Morgenbladet og Klassekampen (ca. 500 artikler).
  • Skrevet for en rekke andre aviser og tidsskrift.


2011-2013 Norges Musikkhøgskole, postdoktor. Ledet FoU-innsatsområdet ”Den medskapende musiker” med 40-50 involverte ansatte.
2006-2010 Norges Musikkhøgskole, stipendiat. Tre måneder langt forskningsopphold i New York med Lydia Goehr fra Columbia-universitetet.
2008-2009 ORCiM, The Orpheus Institute, Gent, Belgia, forsker.
2003-2005 Universitetene i Oslo og Uppsala, kurser i estetikk.
2002-2004 Høgskolene i Vestfold og Oslo, toårig studium for faglitterære forfattere.
2003 Universitetet i Oslo, hovedfag i musikkvitenskap.
1995-2002 Norges Musikkhøgskole: Cand. Mag. og hovedfag som utøvende pianist.

Musikkrelatert arbeid – tekst og undervisning

2020-2021 Drev ved hjelp av Kulturrådets arbeidsstipend.
2014- Klassekampen, musikkritiker i Musikkmagasinet (mandager).
2005-2013 Morgenbladet, musikkritiker.
2008-2011 Klassisk Musikkmagasin, DVD-kritiker
2006-2011 Norges Musikkhøgskole, skrivekurser, John Cage og tango (dansen).
1999-2006 NLA-høgskolen, tidligere Høgskolen i Staffeldtsgate, jobb som pianolærer, akkompagnatør og musikkhistorielærer.
2005, kritiker og journalist.
2004-2005 Manglerud vgs. Underviste musikkhistorie, piano, musikkformidling og jobbet som akkompagnatør.
2003-2004 Høgskolen i Telemark, underviste musikkformidling.
* Har skrevet tallrike kritikker og essay for norske og svenske aviser og tidsskrift.
* Har hatt flere verv for Norsk kritikerlag, bl.a. som leder for teater-, musikk-, og dansekritikerne.
* Har skrevet noen artikler om dans og bevegelse både som forskningstekster (med konferansepresentasjon) og i tidsskrift.

Utøvende karriere

1995-2005 Spesialiserte meg på konsertforedrag. Temaer: lytting, musikkhistorie, musikkens relasjon til andre kunstformer. Jeg har gjort mer enn hundre slike framførelser.
1995-2005 I gjennomsnitt 30 mer tradisjonelle konserter per år.
1999-2000 Den norske opera og ballet (Nasjonalballetten), akkompagnatør.
* Spilt som solist med flere orkestre.
* Har jobbet som akkompagnatør til dans og til flere kor.
* Jeg har bestilt og urfremført verk.
* Jobbet som organist i flere forsamlinger, alt fra en enkelt helg til et to år langt engasjement i The American Lutheran Church i Oslo.

Dans, kropp og meditasjon

2014 Mind Calm meditasjonscoach.
2014- Postmindfulness, meditasjonsundervisning i egen regi (
2010- TangoTango, tangoskole jeg driver sammen med Anne Marit Ligaard ( 12-14 helgekurs/år samt privatundervisning.
2010 (høst) Pilatesroom, Oslo. Pilateslærer, grupper og privatundervisning.
2010 (vår) Stott Pilates, Toronto. 310 timer lang utdanning som pilateslærer (matte og reformer). I tillegg til obligatorisk anatomiundervisning tok jeg kurset Injuries and special populations.
2006- Tangoundervisning (ikke i egen regi) sammen med Anne Marit Ligaard.
* Jeg har vært på masterclasses og seminarer med ledende tangodansere som Gustavo Naveira/Giselle Anne, Dana Frigoli/Pablo Villarraza, Eugenia Parilla, Mazen Kiwan/Sigrid van Tilbeurgh, Javier Rodriguez/Andrea Missé and Thierry le Cocq.
* Introduksjonskurs i Laban Movement Analysis og Bartenieff Fundamentals.
* Deltatt i workshops/kurs i kontaktimprovisasjon, Skinner release technique, breakdance, klassisk ballett, street jazz, shiatsu, jazz, samtidsdans, Graham-teknikk og jeg har praktisert yoga.
* Jeg mediterer daglig.
* Som tangodanser har jeg danset på internasjonale musikkevenement, konferanser og fødselsdager. Vi har undervist blinde, fått musikkforskere fra hele verden til å føle rytme og frasering som bevegelse og publisert artikler om tango. Vi har forelest om dans og språkets begrensninger og har presentert vårt arbeid på internasjonale konferanser.

Dance, bodywork and meditation

2014 Mind Calm Meditation Coach trained by Sandy C.Newbigging
2014- Founder of Post-mindfulness
2013- Organizes Ettertanken, a lecture series for meditation, music, literature and other topics
2010- Runs TangoTango together with Anne Marit Ligaard (
2010 (fall) Taught Pilates at Pilatesroom in Oslo.
2010 (spring) 310 hour Pilates teacher training course at Stott Pilates in Toronto. In addition I completed the course Injuries and Special Populations.
2006- I have been teaching tango regularly with Anne Marit Ligaard.
* I have attended masterclasses and seminars with numerous internationally leading tango dancers, including Gustavo Naveira/Giselle Anne, Dana Frigoli/Pablo Villarraza, Eugenia Parilla, Mazen Kiwan/Sigrid van Tilbeurgh, Javier Rodriguez/Andrea Missé and Thierry le Cocq.
* I have taken the introductory courses in Laban Movement Analysis and Bartentieff Fundamentals.
* I have attended workshops/courses in contact improvisation, Skinner release technique, breakdance, classical ballet, street jazz, shiatsu, jazz, comtemporary dance, Graham technique and I have practiced yoga.
* I meditate daily with the Ascension technique.

Since then we have performed on international music events, on conferences and birthdays. We have taught blind people to dance, made music researchers from the entire world to feel movement and rhythm in their bodies in a sense that musical notation can never reveal to them, and we have also begun to make research out of our Argentine tango dancing. We have lectured on dancing and the limits of language, and in November 2011 we will present our work for the first time at an international conference.


2011-2013 Norwegian Academy of Music: Senior Research Fellow. I am also the leader of “The Co-Creative Musician”, organizing 40-50 artistic researchers among the staff at the Academy and at other institution in and out of Norway.
2006-2010 Norwegian Academy of Music: research fellow. Studied with Professor Lydia Goehr from Columbia University Jan-Apr 2008.
2008-2009 Researcher at ORCiM, The Orpheus Institute, Gent, Belgium.
2003-2005 Universities of Oslo and Uppsala: courses in aesthetics.
2002-2004 University Colleges of Vestfold and Oslo: two-year program in non-fictional writing.
2003 University of Oslo: Master’s degree in musicology.
1995-2002 Norwegian Academy of Music: Bachelor’s (four year) and a Master’s degree in piano performance.

Music related job experiences

2014- Klassekampen: music critic
2005-2013 Morgenbladet: music critic.
2008-2011 Klassisk Musikkmagasin: critic for DVDs.
2006 Norwegian Academy of Music: teaching courses in non-academic writing, John Cage and tango (dancing).
1999-2006 Evangelical Lutheran University College, Oslo: teaching music history, piano and worked as accompanist.
2005 critic and journalist.
2004-2005 Manglerud secondary school: taught music history, piano, music management/performance and worked as an accompanist at the music program.
2003-2004 Telemark University College: lecturer in music.
* Written numerous essays and pieces of criticism for Norwegian and Swedish magazines and papers.
* I have had numerous positions and tasks for the Norwegian Critics’ Association, among which is leading the section for theatre, music, and dance critics.


-2005 Specialized in lecture-recitals involving other art forms, mainly focusing the 20th century, but I have done programs on older music too. Have done hundreds of these.
1999-2000 The Norwegian National Ballet: accompanist.
* Worked as a freelancer with dance accompaniment and choruses.
* Been a soloist with orchestras.
* Has commissioned and premiered musical works.
* Worked as an organist.



Oct 25th-28th
Paper: Joint presentation with Gro Shetelig and Tina M. Nilssen.
Conference: The Performer’s Voice
Venue: National University of Singapore
Abstract and paper will be added later.

Aug 7th-10th
Paper: Rethinking Finn Mortensen’s Symfoni through recordings
Conference: Sixteenth Nordic Musicological Congress.
Venue: Stockholm University.
You can read the abstract and paper here.

July 1st-7th
Paper: Zen according to John – a parallel reading of Cage and Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Conference: 2012 – International Musicological Society Congress
Venue: Rome.
You can read the abstract and paper here

April 19th
Lecture-workshop/demonstration: Materializing metaphors
Conference: Sound, Music and the Moving-Thinking Body
Venue: University of London


Nov 25th-Dec 2nd
Paper: (Un)thinking tango – on the corporeality of dance and musical improvisation. Joint lecture-demonstration with Anne Marit Ligaard.
Conference: (Re)thinking improvisation.
Venue: Inter Arts Center, University of Lund
You can read the abstract and the paper here

June 14th-16th
Paper: Vad vet en musiker? Plenary presentation.
Conference: Musikvetenskap idag.
Venue: University of Uppsala.
You can read the abstract and the paper here

May 6th-8th
Paper: What is an Artistic Research Question?
Conference: Art of Artistic Research.
Venue: Norwegian Academy of music, Oslo.
You can read the abstract and the paper here


June 11-14
Paper: “Voicing the musician’s choices – the performer’s understanding of music and analysis”
Conference: The Future of Aesthetics, Annual Conference of the Nordic Society of Aesthetics.
Venue: University of Trondheim.
You can read the abstract here

June 9-11
Paper: “Establishing a historically informed performance practice of John Cage’s 4’33’’”.
Conference: Musikvetenskap idag.
Venue: University of Lund.
You can read the abstract and the presentation here

May 11-12
Paper: “Accepting the senseless – listening to John Cage’s music as a spiritual practice”.
Conference: Ear in Music I. Conference on listening.
Venue: Norwegian Academy of Music.
You can read the presentation here

April 23-24
Paper: «How Cage structured creativity, why Bach was a follower of Cage, and how all this comes together in a general theory of creativity».
Conference: «The Musician’s Act of Creation»
Venue: Orpheus Instituut/ORCiM, Gent, Belgium.
You can read the abstract and the paper here

Jan 9
Paper: Presentation of Cage as a meta-composer
Study Day at Orpheus Instituut/ORCiM, Gent, Belgium.
You can read the paper here


Sep 24-26
Solstrand: Sensuous Knowledge 5, Questioning Qualities.
Paper: “Having a Cagean experience – establishing a historically informed performance practice of the works of John Cage”
Arranged by: Bergen National Academy of the Arts.

Aug 5-8
Oslo: 15th Nordic Musicological Congress 2008.
Paper: “Cage’s Imitation of Nature in her Manner of Operation – Voicing Religion and Bringing Nature to Sound”
Arranged by: Norwegian Academy of Music.

May 29- Uppsala: Aesthetics and the Aesthetic, Annual Conference of the Nordic Society Jun 1 of Aesthetics.
Paper: “Cage as metacomposer – on anticipation of density, texture and variation as a new compositional paradigm”
Arranged by: University of Uppsala.

Jan 11-12 Seattle: 18th Annual Pacific Northwest Music Graduate Students Conference.
Paper: “Cage and Assertiveness: On the Importance of Being Strict in Order to Let Anything Go”.
Arranged by: University of Washington.

Jan-Apr Studied with the Columbia Professor Lydia Goehr in New York.


Mars 26-30
Sandbjergslot: Det historiske i kunst- og kulturhistorieforskningen.
Course where I presented the paper: “Från ett ontologiskt till ett pragmatiskt verkbegrepp i den analytiska musikfilosofin”.
Arranged by: Universities in Århus and Copenhagen.


Dec 7-9 London: “Image and Imagination II”.
Paper: “What’s so pornographic about Levinson’s concatenationism? – a paper about the need to think before we listen”.
Arranged by: Goldsmiths College and University of Copenhagen.